Lobster Boil Clips  1   2   3   4   5   6                           Funnies - Click icons below to view

Announcements & invitations to Trailblazers events are usually sent out in email. If you are a Trailblazer & want to be included make sure we have your email address.

The Weather in: St. John's Bay Roberts Marystown Clarenville Gander Grand Falls Corner Brook Stephenville

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Rattling Brook
Contact Us


Contact Us



Gerard Curtis (Chairman) 364-4503 gerardcurtis1@gmail.com

Tony Anderson (Vice Chairman) 695-2977 rileytonywarren@gmail.com

Patricia Kavanagh (Secretary) 730-3737 pkavanagh1959@icloud.com

Theresa Critch (Treasurer) 466-4442 ralphiee54@gmail.com




Frank Parsons 596-2370  fparsons@bellaliant.net

Austin Antle 891-2245 austin.antle@hotmail.com

Bruce Oldford 489-2708 bruce.oldford@nf.sympatico.ca

Kevin Mahar 660-0695 joeyk56@hotmail.com



Area Reps

St. John's - Gerard Curtis 364-4503 gerardcurtis1@gmail.com

Avalon - Frank Parsons 596-2370  fparsons@bellaliant.net

Burin - Austin Antle 891-2245 austin.antle@hotmail.com

Bonavista - Theresa Critch (T) 466-4442 ralphiee54@gmail.com

Gander - Bob Dicks 651-3027 r_dicks@nl.rogers.com

Grand Falls- Bruce Oldford 489-2708 bruce.oldford@nf.sympatico.ca

Corner Brook - Kevin Mahar 660-0695 joeyk56@hotmail.com

Stephenville - Tony Anderson 695-2977 rileytonywarren@gmail.com



Rattling Brook Bookings

Nick Aylward (709) 693-6996 nick@adprint.ca



Website Design & Maintenance

Aldo Giangrande  709-368-5979 aldog@bellaliant.net




Michele Walsh

42 Bayberry Place

St. John's, NL

A1H 1B1

(709) 330-6131



NP Human Resources

Sharon Moore
Senior Human Resources Coordinator
709-737-2843 Work




NP Payroll

Betty Wells
Payroll Administrator
709-737-5732 Work




Call: 1-866-896-6984



Reddy Kilowatt Credit Union

Kelly Power - Member Service Representative

885 Topsail Road, P.O. Box 126

Mount Pearl, NL  A1N 2C2

Telephone: (709) 737-5320

Fax: (709) 737-2937

Toll Free: 1-800-409-2887



Trailblazers-Company Liaison

Allison Hicks

6 Magee Road, Gander NL
Telephone 709-682-7679





Gerard Curtis


2019 to Present



Past Chairmen & Presidents



Civic address not recommended for use

Newfoundland Power Trailblazers

330 Southside Rd.

St. John's, NL

A1E 1A1