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Need a break from city life? book a week or two at Rattling Brook cottages and enjoy.

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Please read the notes before you start filling the form for the first time.


1. The present rates for each of the 3 units are:
A) From November 1 to April 30: $30/day (but not more than $120 per week for Trailblazers, not more than $150 per week for Non-Trailblazers.)
B) From May 1 to October 31: $120/week for Trailblazers, $150 per week for Non-Trailblazers.

2. You can do a booking request by completing this form and submitting it. We will confirm the booking to you. After confirmation and before occupancy, please pay your rental. If occupancy is for longer than a week you can pay in advance at the start of each week that you are staying.
If you have already made a booking and you need to cancel it, you can cancel it by sending a request showing the dates and units booked and then selecting the "0-Cancel my booking" in the "Duration and Cost" selector.

3. If at any time (while filling the form) you need to erase all entries, just hit the “Erase all above entries” button and start over.

4. To submit the request, take a screenshot of the form you just filled, save it as a JPG file on your computer and send it as an attachment to NICK AYLWARD.

Personal Information First Name: Family Name:
Phone No: Email:

FROM: select the Date
TO: select the Date

Cost for Trailblazers
# of DAYS booked from Nov 1 to Apr 30, select:
# of WEEKS booked from May 1 to Oct 31, select:

Cost for users who are not Trailblazers
# of DAYS booked from Nov 1 to Apr 30, select:
# of WEEKS booked from May 1 to Oct 31, select:

